

uncle Lim 和 Uncle Hee 都是很厚臉皮的老人,吃飽沒事就會約出來“大炮“一翻。
Lim: Eh, ah Hee,你有見過笨人嗎?
Hee: emm..怎樣笨呀?
(uncle Lim 就開始表演了,他把他的印度工人叫了過來)
Lim: Tambi..come come.Take $10 go buy one BM for me now!
Tambi: yes sir yes sir
Lim: 你看你看,他多笨啊!十塊錢買一輛名車他都可以?真是的。。
Hee: 哎唷,這樣還好吧。你看看我的!
Hee : Nei,come come come!
Nei: Yes sir,can i help u?
Hee :Go home now see i at home or not!Now!
Nei: okok..yes sir,i go now!
哈哈哈,uncle Hee笑了好大聲的說,這才笨。我都坐在這裡了還回去看我在不在。
原來那兩個工人都認識的,他們也好開心的在聊那兩個比他們還要笨的老板Tambi: Aiyo..my boss so stupid,ask me take $10 go buy BM for him?hahaha...maybe i can buy la...paper car!hahahha
Nei: hahhaha..yalo yalo...my boss more stupid than yr boss,ask me go back home see weather he at home or not?Fuck la..he dun hv handphone to call back home and ask her wife meh..If he dun hv handphone..i hv,i can borrow him.Stupid!haha

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