
Name : pretty

Nick Name : miss world

Birthdate : 620 620 620

Birthplace: malaysia

Current Location: where else i can be other than stupid malaysia

Eye Color: black.

Hair Color: black/brown

Piercings: ears...

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none

overused Phrase: thanks God i am so pretty


Food: so many...

Pub/Disc/Restaurant: Brussel's.. there is so many leng zai(s)

Candy: nope

Color: all...

Drink: cant think at this moment..

TV Show: taiwan entertainment shows..muahaha

Music Album: hard to choose

Movie: have too many

Actor/Actress: Me, if i am an actress

This or That

Pepsi or Coke: coke

McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonald's... i am loving it...!!!

Chocolate or Vanilla : chocolate

Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee... mocha

Kiss or Hug: BOTH!!!

Dog or Cat: dog

Rap or Punk: PUNK!

Summer or Winter: err...both?

Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies =)


Bedtime: b4 i fall asleep

Best phyiscal feature: every part...

First Thought Waking Up: can i sleep for 2 more hours?!

Ambition: get marry with a BM lo!!!

Longest relationship: how to compare if there is only one...


What country do you want to Visit: France

How do you want to Die: peacefully

Been to the Mall Lately: the gardens, with Chris and Nicholas

Health Freak: not at all

Do you think your Attractive: of course..

Believe in Yourself: yeah..

Want to go to College: already gone

Do you Sing: in the shower

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